Training Is At The Core Of What We Do
Teaching sales strategies is at the core of who we are and what we do. Our programs immerse participants in a range of leadership essentials, equipping them to embrace growth-focused solutions and tools critical for their professional advancement. Our comprehensive programs include Best Practice Boot Camp® and supplemental lessons designed to enhance your current programs.

Learning & Development Courses
Best Practice Boot Camp®Best Practice Boot Camp is a comprehensive sales & business development course dedicated to teaching industry best practices for executing efficient and results proven sales cycles. Best Practice Boot Camp is application focused. Together, we will immerse in GROW’s process that develops a new team language – one of unity. The aim is to build a competitive arsenal of weapons and instill an aggressive growth strategy. Best Practice Boot Camp® Sales Best Practice Boot Camp® Sales is our original program and is guaranteed to create impact on your sales. This course targets the skills needed to drive new business to you. It's geared specifically to those sales roles and emphasizes effective outreach. Best Practice Boot Camp® Team Development Best Practice Boot Camp® Team Development encourages a corporate culture that sees growth as everyone's responsibility. This 3-day course uses a similar format as our traditional Best Practice Boot Camp® but has been further enhanced to speak to all roles, not just those in sales. Best Practice Boot Camp® Start-Up Best Practice Boot Camp® Start-Up is geared towards those with newly created businesses or an idea. Together, we will maximize your resources and help build a system to acquire new and ongoing referrals. Best Practice Boot Camp® Long-Term Care Community Best Practice Boot Camp® for LTCC is a comprehensive course for developing advanced marketing skills for Long-Term Care Administrators and their staff. This course targets the skills necessary to strategically grow your community using the latest marketing principles. Participants are eligible for up to 20 Admin CEUs as required by the Missouri Board of Nursing Home Administrators.
The Art Of Closing SalesFinish Strong. Statistically, goals are missed and sales are lost – but you can defy statistics and increase your success in closing more business. Successful engagement includes 3 key elements: Defined Objectives, Education, and Consistent Follow-Up. Learn how to maximize each customer interaction and effectively transition your customer through the sales cycle.
3 R's For Overcoming Sales SlumpsAre declining sales bumming you out? Let’s Face it – you’re not alone. Downturns can happen to everyone. It can be said in sales you are either pushing forward or falling back. Onward movement requires a proactive approach. Successful strategies integrate 3 actions: Remind, Review, and Respond.
Does No Really Mean No?How prepared are you to handle rejection? Since eighty percent of prospects say “no” four or more times before saying “yes,” naturally you must be prepared to hear the word NO often. Let’s Face it – there is no rest in quitting, so instead reroute resistance and learn to develop a system, which overcomes being told NO.
The Power Of Words In SalesWords have power and effective verbal communication is critical to closing business. Sellers with engaging introductions and product descriptions gain a persuasive edge with buyers. Participants will learn to sharpen their oral dialogue and distinguish themselves with their customers.
Secrets Of Gathering IntelPre-engagement intelligence is vital to meaningful business interactions. Client research is a priceless tool that uncovers customer needs and expedites sales transactions to a successful close. Information is key! Learn relevant ways to gather intel on your customers.
Connect Before You CollectBuilding rapport with others involves more than finding common ground. It involves seeing them as a person and being genuinely interested in what’s important to them. When this connection is forged, the sale and goals desired will easily follow. Learn how to connect with your customers in meaningful ways.
Master Your PresentationPresentations can be used internally and externally to educate, train, persuade, and assess others. The quality of a presentation has a direct correlation with perceived value of the content and the presenter. Demonstrate worth by using appropriate visuals and words relatable to the audience. Participants will build a template presentation and will learn key things that should always be included in their presentaiton.
Introduce Yourself With PassionEnter your answer here
Ask Questions To Spur ConversationsGet your customers and peers talking by asking questions! Ask questions to learn about your customer’s preferences, goals and needs, and to determine what they value. Participants will learn strategies to spur conversations.
First Impressions MatterExperts conclude people will make snap judgments about you within the first seven seconds of meeting. Learn how to make the best first impression, both professionally and as a company. The impact of dress code is discussed and special considerations for ladies and gentlemen.
Maximize Online Reviews83% of Americans seek the recommendations of others prior to making a purchase. Online reviews are often the first-place people look to check out a company. Learn how to develop a strategy for receiving positive online reviews and learn what to do if you receive negative press. Find out how to leverage your established relationships and develop a powerful referral program.
Training your team to embrace relevant business functions and tools is critical for professional advancement. Training can be conducted on-site at your business and can coincide with lunch (Lunch & Learns) or be given at another convenient time. In each session, attendees will receive a workbook that can be used as a reference guide.
Who Knew Sales Training Could Be So Fun?
Check out our event highlights from the "Art Of Closing Sales" Lunch & Learn.
Are you ready to join in on the fun? Click here for a list of our current training events open to the public.